You can find Authentic Classic Land Rover Defenders at Helderburg. Our focus is custom built luxury Defenders with one of a kind unique designs, and highly collectibles.
Looking for an Authentic Classic Land Rover Defender or Porsche from Helderburg, but don't want to wait? We have Defenders and Porsche available right now.
British expertise and master craftsmanship guarantee a quality standard that place Helderburg builds in the highly collectible category for car enthusiasts, collectors and individuals diversifying their investment portfolio or simply wanting an iconic vehicle to drive.
Explore our range of engine options, including automatic transmission choices, to help you make an informed decision in the Custom Build and Restoration of your Helderburg Land Rover Defender.
The colors are vast, and the goal is one-of-a-kind design that compliments the classic looks, adds a modern flare, and makes a statement about the owner.
Our comfortable and elegant interiors are beautiful and luxurious and made from the finest Scottish Leather, German Wool and Italian Alcantara.
Our team includes mechanics, engine builders, upholsters, coachbuilders and cnc machinists. We are perfecting what many classify as the World's finest built, investment quality Land Rover Defenders.