Warning… here I go down memory lane and you should probably play The Temptations “Masterpiece” as you read this.
Yesterday, I put on 2 wool shirts, grabbed my camera and went for a long drive with the top off in the Helderburg Black Olive Green D90. I had jazz streaming on the Blaupunkt stereo and my imagination was running wild. It reminded me of my 17th birthday (March 11th, if you would like to send me something next year) when I packed up my Fiat Spider with “paper maps”, dropped the top, rolled up the windows, turned up the heat, popped in a personal mix jazz, soul, blues cassette tape and started driving. I had $240 in my pocket, a full tank of gas and fire in my soul.
I departed Memphis TN to discover new adventures. First stop was New Orleans, then Texas and my only timeline was to be at the Montreux Detroit Jazz Festival on Labor Day weekend. Let me clarify this was not a hippie find myself trip, but me in search of starting a career… OK maybe a little hippie was in me.
What an Adventure. I made money with my camera along the way with the “occasional odd job” that I was not qualified for but I always felt I was a fast learner. I slept in some crazy places and the oddest one was a band’s tour bus and let me tell you, it was the worst smelling place ever but at least it had a shower. It was a combination of body odor and burning skunk (if you get my drift).
I ate a lot of vienna sausages, ramen noodles, .39 hamburgers and loved every minute or maybe I just forgot about the uncomfortable times. Oh the memories, I got my PADI scuba diving certification and I can’t even swim either, (seriously I can’t), saw many, many Jazz and Blues artist greats and… learned how to operate a soundboard and light board (which is another interesting story for a later date).
Sorry I started to ramble, so back on point. Driving a convertible is a sensory experience that connects you to the world around you. The wind blowing through your hair, the sun on your face and the sound of the engine all blend together to create a visceral feeling of freedom and joy. You feel youthful and part of your surroundings. You’re no longer caged up and viewing your surroundings through a thick window. The scent of freshly cut hay fields, the sight of blooming flowers and the warmth of the sun on your skin all become heightened and more vibrant. You become acutely aware of the nuances of the environment, like the way the trees sway in the wind or the reflection of the sun on a passing body of water. It’s a feeling of oneness with the world and you become filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and appreciation for all the beauty around you.
I think you can see that my extended drive yesterday made me realize I’m wasting precious time behind the computer and on social media. My goal is to start living my life in search of adventure like I did years ago. I might be older but my sense of adventure is still with me and now I can sleep in a hotel vs a tour bus and eat a decent meal… does this mean I have become soft or wise?
Stay tuned since I have been threatening to do an epic trip again and while I will seriously miss Lucy (tan pup), Leo (black pup) and Christy (wife)… hey don’t judge, Lucy and Leo have short little lives and they ate my Stetson hat last time I left them alone.
I just have to do it since it’s good for the soul. I’m getting excited thinking about it and this time I will take my camera to create a book of pictures documenting the adventure. OK, be well my friend and thank you for taking time to read my random emails. If you found my words or Helderburg Defenders inspiring please forward it to a friend that would enjoy my adventures and tell them to subscribe to our newsletter here.
Here’s Some Drone Pictures from Yesterday’s Drive
(Side Note: We have a few Soft Tops Available right now in Sharon Springs, NY. Fly in and drive one home and maybe I will join you on the drive back. Click Here to See the Soft Tops Available Now)