If you have a Classic vehicle and would like to sell it, then tell us about it. We would be very interested in making it ours.
1 Tell us about the Classic you have. Be Detailed.
2 Tell us what you want for it. Be Fair.
3 If we like it we will wire you the money and pick it up. Easy Process.
We prefer Classic Defenders but we would consider Porsche, Ferrari, Aston Martin, Jaguar, Mercedes Benz or anything that is iconic, unique, limited and hard to find.
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Helderburg is registered trademark at the US patent and trademark.
Helderburg restores and reimagines Land Rover Defenders that are 25+ years old and older at the direction of its clients. Helderburg does not manufacture automobiles.
Helderburg is not sponsored, associated, approved, endorsed nor, in any way, affiliated with Jaguar Land Rover Limited. Land Rover® and Defender® are trademarks of Jaguar Land Rover Limited, and any other products mentioned are the trademarks of their respective holders. Any mention of trademarked names or other marks is for purpose of reference only.